Camerawork and editing analysis

3 camera shots

Camera shot 1: At 0:16 there is a 2 shot and also a medium close up including the two characters standing next to eachother whilst talking to other people on a call.

Camera shot 2: at 2:17 you see there is a over the shoulder shot focusing on the camera screen infront of the woman sitting 

Camera shot 3: at 2:05 there is a close up on the boys face showing he is contenmt and happy with whats going on.


At 2:16 the medium shot is also a high angle shot because the characters eyes arent right in the middle of the screen and you can see them looking slightly up.This could have connotations that the people who they are on a call with are more powerful then them and could tell the audience that they are higher authority or powerful characters.

One Aspect of camera movement that i noticed was PAN. The director chose to use pan because it allows the audience to see that now the caharcteers have started to move in the scene which shows they're getting ready for something.

One aspect of editng i saw was pace. When the former president woman gave orders the pace started to get slighty faster as they ran around the room trying to get everything in order. It also adds a bit of tenstion and also curiosity for the audience to see what will happen next. This could communicate action or drama to the audience.


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