Advert Denotations and Connotations!


Denotation: I see a boy sitting on a chair outside in front of a sandy wall. The boy has a half frown on his face.

Connotation: The wall behind the boy looks like a clay or sandstone wall which tells us they could be in a hot country due to the sandy texture and color on the wall and floor, and being in a hot country also this tells us it might be easy to get dehydrated which is why WaterAid chose this country for the advertisements. Zooming in on the text used shows that the font looks a bit worn out which could imply that the living conditions are also worn out and not ideal. You can also see the boy's clothes look a bit ripped around the collar. The connotation of the boy's face shows that he could be sad tired and also his facial expression also looks like he's pleading for help on the inside, I don't know how to explain it though. The light shining on the boy's face also connotates a ray of hope coming his way, but it also backs up the statement that they live in a hot country.

Analysis: The advert helps the audience sympathize with the boy and it could make them feel guilty which makes them donate to WaterAid. Adding on the phrase written says ''dig toilets, not graves'' Which also implies that the country they are living in needs more toilets, the brand used this phrase to get the audience to feel guilty about how much they have and will make the audience wanna do something to help.

Denotation: In this image what i can see is a sick girl who is sitting talking to a nurse while her dad is sitting next to her.

Connotation: The connotations for the girl is she has lost most of her hair ans since this is a advert for cancer research its most likely she has a type of cancer, Cancer research chose to show her as a person with cancer to get people to understand that not only adults can get very sick but young children, which will make the viewers want to help out more.The girl also looks a bit sad and shes holding a small book.

Analysis: This advert makes the audience also sympathise and want to donate because it shows them what other people are going through, also the text says ' Cancer is happening now' I think they chose to write this to make the audience realise while they are living their best life other people are struggling and that they can help by donating a minimumm of £2.


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