Summer Project (COMPLETED)
1) Research: Science Fiction / Fantasy TV drama endings Watch the following Science Fiction TV drama clips and write an NCIS analysis of each one. Clip 1: Class Episode 4 Narrative: How is drama created? How is the story communicated to the audience? How is the story line resolved? Drama is created when April starts getting taken over by Corakinus and attacks her dad. The story line of the episode is resolved by April going into the portal and trying to find Corakinus, but also she heals her mothers paralysis using her new found powers. Character: How do the characters appeal to the audience? Can you apply Propp's character theory to any of the characters in this extract? Do the characters reinforce or subvert stereotypes? April's mother subverts the usual stereotype that disabled people are weak and always need assistance, she does this by still being a strong and commanding mother while being disabled. Mateusz and Charlie's relationship subvert...