Preliminary exercise learner response

 WWW: This is a good preliminary exercise that largely meets the brief – I like the opening shot of the phone with the camera movement into close-up signalling the importance of the phone call to the narrative. The audio is clear and the pacing of the conversation is a strength – the call feels quite naturally timed which is not easy to edit. You’ve also faded the music up and down effectively to keep the dialogue audible.

EBI: A few comments to consider for the real coursework – the audio is clear but perhaps the dialogue or performance could have differentiated between the two characters to make it easier for the audience to understand what was going on? I don’t like the text on screen and you want to try and tell stories without relying on text – you also won’t be able to use it for the real coursework as it’s a 2 minute extract from the end of an episode of the drama. Without the text you are under the 30 second brief but not by too much. Overall, this is a good lesson in filming and editing and bodes well for the real coursework.

LR: What have you learned about filming and editing from this preliminary exercise? What will you change or do differently for your real coursework production over the next three weeks?

 I learnt that a 30 second clip requires days of filming and editing, there are so much things that went into editing the clip such as sound, camerawork, transitions etc. For the real clip i will need to add more dialogue to make it longer and more interesting, also not add text.


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