Statement of Intent feedback and LR

 Current mark: 5

Approximate grade: 5

WWW: This is a clear statement of intent with a good idea for a TV drama sequence that meets the science fiction/fantasy genre brief. There are some nice creative touches and a clear understanding shown of target audience. Specific reference to media language and representation holds this back from the upper levels.


  • There’s a little too much narrative development – keep this to just a sentence or two so you are not using too many words on description.

  • The biggest issue is a lack of specific media language planning – you say what shots you plan to film but not why you will do it and the effect this will have on the audience. You need to use terminology and discuss the connotations of the media language choices you are planning. The main areas to do this are the camera shots, mise-en-scene, sound or editing (write about specific camera shots you will use and what they will communicate to the audience, specific aspects of mise-en-scene in detail etc.)

  • The most important thing is that your Statement of Intent is constantly focused on how you are creating meaning for the audience.

  • I would look to improve the section on representation – again, you need to say how you are going to subvert those stereotypes. I also think you would be better focusing on more general issues of representation (e.g. gender, race/ethnicity) rather than the representation of aliens which is perhaps more ambiguous.

2) Do you need to make any changes to your narrative? Why?

No because im happy with it and need to add things to it.

3) How can you improve the use of media terminology in your Statement of Intent?

Using words from the glossary.


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